
What it is NOT?

  • It's not a party trick. No one can make you do things against your will. E.g. Dance like a chicken.
  • You are always in control. A Therapist is a guide, helping you to a state where your "Old Tapes" saved in your subconscious can be erased and new ones created.
  • A magic wand. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Expect small but incremental changes.
  • Pure "Will Power"...if you don't really, really believe, then nothing will change.

Exercise and Weight loss


What it IS?

  • A guided tour bypassing your conscious mind, which wants to validate everything, into your subconscious (or inner child), replacing "old" beliefs with "new" beliefs.
  • Drug free...
  • Altered consciousness

In a contest between reality and imagination, imagination will always win.

You may say "I can't be hypnotized!". Did you get a lump in your throat watching E.T.? Because, your imagination took control.

Stop Smoking

What do you need?

  • Belief...without this nothing will change
  • Imagination...To help you into a state of Hypnosis
  • Conviction...That you really want to learn
  • Expectation...A sense of real change
  • = Results

Better Study Habits

Do you have something that you'd really like to do, but find that something else gets in your way?

This happened to me. I pack all my running kit out at night ready for an early morning run, but, I switch off the alarm, turn over and go back to sleep. All the will power in the world just couldn't move me.


You really want to lose some weight, you do the breakfast, pack a good lunch, but, you find yourself at the vending machine.


You want to finish that assignment, but, find yourself watching TV instead? Then, using Hypnotherapy, I can help...go on, give me a call.

Improve Sports Performance
Really Alive
You CAN Change
Overcome Fears and Phobias
You CAN Win

Thinking Thin

Freedom from Worry

Memory & Recall



Nail Biting

Self Confidence


Public Speaking

Fear of Flying


Alleviating Unhealthy Stress

Alleviating Examination Anxiety
(Individual Or Groups)

Better Study Habits
(Individual Or Groups)

(Individual Or Groups)

Fear of Heights/Closed in places/ Water/Crowds